If you have any questions, queries, or issues you can contact us through live support, email, or phone number support. Our Customer Care team is available 24 hours a day at your service. Below are the mentioned business details:
- Business Name: Sikma Sports LTD
- Phone: +44 7891 208230
- E-Mail:
- Support: 24/7 on Live Chat
- Business Hours: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- Address: 145 Godstone Road, Kenley, CR8 5BL, United Kingdom
You can contact Sikma Sports LTD over live chat, through a phone or through e-mail. In case of support you can use live chat access 24/7, or call us at +44 7891 208230. You can also reach us via e-mail at
From Monday to Friday the business working hours are from 9:00 AM till 5:00 pm. However our live support is always available seven days in a week and twenty four hours a day.
We are located at 145 Godstone Road, Kenley, CR8 5BL United Kingdom. Therefore you can call us for queries or visit us during the business hours of the physical office.
Yes, you can use the live chat feature at any time. Even when customer care is not normal operating hours, there is still support available through email or by leaving a message.
We consider it essential to respond to all requests in a timely manner. If using live chat, instant support is available due to being on standby 24 hours a day. However for most phone and email requests, attention is provided to the request within business hours.